Tuesday, August 9, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 9

Formed by God…what do others see?

Scripture: Psalm 119:73-76

Love this passage…so much in a small section. Acknowledging that we are His, created by His hand for His purpose should stop us dead in our tracks.

Sadly, we just take it for granted.

As Sue and I spent time with a church group a few years ago, not from this country, I was completely and utterly brought down to nothing. Here I was, an American who has access to all kinds of information and learning about God, free to worship wherever and whenever I want. And I thought I had it pretty good. I was way off base.

These folks were more than hungry for God and the opportunity to worship Him. They had an insatiable appetite, one that could not be quenched in just an hour or two. They understood who God was, what He had done for them, and what He wanted with them in the future. They met expecting to meet God, hear God and follow God – every day. They didn’t see ‘church’ as a burden or something they had to do. It was something they had the honor to do, to participate in, and to give of themselves to.

And it showed in every single person present. It was electric and it was humbling all at the same time. When we returned to the states, even to this day, I recall those moments and ask God to keep me there. I don’t EVER want to take for granted what we have.

My prayer is that, through selfless and focused worship, others will want to join me. My prayer is that we, as a team, may be an encouragement to those we minister each week by having the kind of passion that these folks had.

When you take your place each week on stage, what do you think others see in you as you lead out? Even when you step up on a week that you just don’t feel up to it, a week where you’ve been ‘afflicted’, do you thank God for the opportunity? Do you thank God for the pain of the affliction?

1 comment:

Karl said...

Forgive me for all those times when I was seen more than You were! Praying that I learn Your ways through all the stuff we deal with each week.