Wednesday, August 31, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 31

Speaking out boldly in public…

Scripture: Psalm 119:45-48

Again, if you have the Message translation, this is a verse that resonates well. If you don’t have it, go to and select the passage and the Message translation.

If I could capture my house during a Steelers football game and share that with the congregation, I’d probably be committed somewhere. I get crazy. I love my team, from the top all the way to the folks who work the stadium each week. And I’m not ashamed to show it – ever.

I wish I could say I’m the same when it comes to God and my walk with Him. Yes I do get a little excited some Sundays but it’s nothing like what I do with m Steelers. I don’t “speak out boldly in public” like verse 46 talks about. What’s worse is I don’t look for opportunities to do that.

So here’s our bold challenge for us today:

Find a place where you can connect with someone and boldly share what Christ has done for you, in you and through you. Unembarrassed (v. 46).

And yes, I would say it needs to be someone you don’t really know. If it’s a conflict at work, go offsite for lunch or break. This really shouldn’t be a shock to anyone who knows you, works with you, goes to class with you – if you’ve been striving to have a more personal relationship with Christ through this study, it will already be known (and seen).

I am not ashamed of the Gospel, the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 30

More Than Amazing…

Scripture: Luke 9:43

Sing this song as your time of worship today.

You’re the One who walked on water, and You calmed the raging seas.

You command the highest mountains to fall upon their knees.

You’re the One who welcomed sinners, and You opened blinded eyes.

You restored the broken hearted and You brought the dead to life.

Forgetting all our sin, You remembered all Your promises.

You are amazing, more than amazing,

Forever our God You’re more than enough.

(© 2010 Integrity’s Praise! Music and Mia Fieldes/Shout Publishing)

Father, God, we stand completely and utterly in awe of You today. There is no one on this earth who could love like You.

At times we are rendered speechless…

Monday, August 29, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 29

Fear NOT!

Scripture: Psalm 27:1

Short and to the point.

If God is my light, my salvation and the stronghold of my life, then whom will I fear?

According to David in this Psalm, I should fear not. Take the time to read the rest of this Psalm.

I know that life gets scary sometimes. I know that life is uncertain at times. I know that life has a lot of unanswered questions. The question you have to ask yourself is this – will I live in fear of what I don’t know, or in faith of Whom I do know?

Do I have enough faith in God to carry me through those hard and scary times? Do I have enough confidence in God to guide me through uncertain waters? Do I believe God has the answer to my questions and doubts?

So it’s another one of those ‘reality check’ kind of days:

· Does fear have more power in your life than your faith? Is it across the board or just in certain places?

· How much of this fear ‘creeps in’ to your worship? Does it consume you or just nag you from the back of your mind?

If you’re doing okay in this area, take a moment to say Thank You to God.

I will put my trust in You, I will put my hope there too, I will stand upon Your Word, I will not be shaken.

I will let my praises flow, holding onto what I know, for I know You’re always there, I will not be shaken. I will not be shaken!

(© Nickeldimeus Music, 2002)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 27

True picture of majestic…

Scripture: Psalm 8

I call this chapter a mind blower.

Think about it. Of all the creatures that God created, both earthly and heavenly, He chose US to receive His love, grace, mercy, blessing, provision, strength – US!

Tonight, before you go to bed, go outside and look up into the nighttime sky. Take in the depth of space; the complexity of our solar system; the beauty of the evening sky…take it all in. And then ask yourself this question – why would God bother with us? We’re nothing when compared to the grand scheme of things in this world.

But thank God He is not going to be keeping us in this world. Which is why we’re so special to Him.

All of this stuff in our world – space, nature, senses – it’s all for our benefit, given to us by a loving Father who just wanted His children to be happy.

He had time for all that and more – all motivated out of love!

Majesty, majesty. Your grace has found me just as I am, empty handed but alive in Your hands.

Majesty, majesty. Forever I am changed by Your love in the presence of Your majesty. (© 2003 Curious?Music) Music, Smith, Garrard)

Friday, August 26, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 26

Worship in spirit and in truth…

Scripture: John 4:21-23

Jesus lays out for us the heart of a worshiper in this passage.

“It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the kind f people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before Him in their worship.” John 4:23 the Message

We’re not talking about our corporate worship here, though it should translate over to that.

Jesus is having this discussion with the Samaritan woman at the well. Just Jesus and her. Remember earlier in our study I said that worship is, at its core, relationship with God.

It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. How does the way you live – home, lifestyle, hobbies, relationships – honor God?

Take a minute to ponder that before you go on with the next question.

When you come before God in worship, your private worship, do you come simply and honestly? Do you come with an agenda or ultimatum?

Honesty, sincerity and genuineness are key components of our worship to and for God. Without them – all of them – we’re just going through the motions. In a sense we are worshiping something we do not know, as John states in verse 22. I pray that will never be any of us.

Sing your favorite song of honor and praise before you go out today.

I stand in awe, so amazed, totally changed by Your presence, forever.

Every time I look into Your eyes, I see a glimpse of what I’ve always wanted to be.

Let me be changed, let me be changed in Your presence.

(Jachim Mullins)