Friday, August 5, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 5

Sing something new, something fresh!

Scripture: Psalm 96:1-4

As God begins to move your heart and stir your passion, allow Him to speak into your life. It may be a word of encouragement to someone. It may be a lyric line for a song or a poem. It may be as simple as opening your eyes to a solution you’ve been looking for. The point is this: when we allow our lives to be focused on who He is and what He has done for us, THEN we begin to naturally share and experience some amazing things about God.

This text is more about doing for God than Him doing for us, at least at the beginning. This is where you really can get tested! Relax, you don’t have to write a song or poem or create some piece of art. Unless you really feel led to!

Today, after spending time in the text, DO what it says whenever you get the opportunity. Praise His name…proclaim His salvation…declare His marvelous deeds among the people…in other words, DON’T BE SHY about sharing what Christ has done in your life. We sometimes flippantly say, “Well thank God that this happened or that…” Be specific and say, “I am thankful that God was with me on this occasion…” You get the idea.

God is new EVERYDAY…so celebrate it!

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