Tuesday, August 2, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 2


Scripture: “Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything…God fights for us!” Psalm 46:10,11 (The Message)

The NIV translation says ‘be still’, which literally means to cease striving, cease going after. Put one way – we need to put life on hold for just a moment to be with God.

There is enough crap going on in our daily lives right now that even God has a hard time getting time in with us. Unless we intentionally make time for Him, He will always lose out. When was the last time you actually turned off the phone, computer, TV, iPOD, and every other thing that distracts you and sat quietly? When was the last time you made time for talking ONLY with God?

Today, ask God to show you how to make time for Him. (Sad to have to say that, but I’m a realist and know that it’s a struggle for many of us. Sometimes we just have to be honest.) Ask Him to help you see where stuff and things have taken the place of solitude with Him. Surrender your schedule to Him today before you begin. As the day unfolds, look for moments of opportunity to be with Him and to speak with Him.

Within the next 3 days find a time and a place where you can do NOTHING but talk with and listen to God. Take NO electronics with you, not even music. Spend no less than 15 minutes with Him in complete stillness, striving to ‘cease going after’ anything other than Him.


TS said...

Be Still, and know that I am with you
Be Still and know that I am near
Be Still and know I’ll never leave you
Be Still and know the way will clear

Just listen for my whisper
Just listen for my voice
All you need to do is listen…
And Be Still

Reach out you hand towards me
Lift up your heart to me
Surrender all your troubles
And know you’ll be set be free

Lorrie said...

Thanks for this study! god bless you!