Thursday, August 25, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 25

Singers and instruments are a big part of worship…

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 19:25-30

Hezekiah is cleansing the temple in this passage of scripture. He was following what God had commanded he and the people to do. This is one of those passages that we, as worship leaders, like to refer to when we want to make a big thing about music in worship!

Notice the amount of volume that is on display here:

· Cymbals, which were the big ones, not the little ones like Kia and Cayle hit on.

· Harps, also not tiny little pocket sized versions.

· Lyres, or as we call them early version guitars!

· And let’s not forget what the priests had – trumpets!

· Finally, we add singers.

Now understand this. The singers had to be heard over the trumpets. So there were more than 2! It is the early version of the worship choir!

It’s interesting the tone that music sets in this setting. In verse 28 the whole assembly gathered and took the sacrifice while the singers sang accompanied by the instruments. The sense is that this was a more somber, reflective tone. Later, in verse 30, the singers sang and the word used here is a variant of our word hallelujah (halal2). It means to give thinks, cheer, extol, to make one’s boast in the name of God. In other words, IT’S A CELEBRATION of worship.

Again, not just one or two singers and instruments. It was a joyous, exalting sound.

And it was an important part of the service. Don’t miss this. Sometimes we tend to run past things that really are necessary parts that require our attention. The ‘band’ gets mention here because music is a form of worship. It’s been said over and over (because it’s worthy) that music does and says things that words alone cannot.

Our job today is to make it accessible (in the right key), worshipful, convicting, emotive, responsive, and so much more.

Do not take this role lightly. It’s huge! And it’s a privilege to fill it.

Take time today to thank God for the skills He has given you in music. Whether it be vocals, instruments, or media ability, God grew it in you to be used for His glory.

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