Saturday, August 20, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 20

Monkey see, monkey do...

Scripture: Psalm 119:13-16

This phrase is based solely on what is seen, what is observed by others. There is nothing in this phrase that helps us, as Christians, is there?

Did we see Christ as He walked on earth? Did we see Him in His ministry years, modeling for us what He wants us to do? Did we see the crucifixion and experience the resurrection? Not in the literal sense.

But the writer of Psalm 119 didn't write from a first-0hand perspective either. Obviously the writer didn't see Jesus or His ministry or His crucifixion. It is out of relationship with God we get these words.

The writer states, "I'll transfer to my lips all the counsel that comes from your mouth..." Meaning, we don't just study the Word and then keep it to ourselves. We need to be sharing with others the truths and promises of God's Word. That is a form of worship. Sharing, testifying what God has done. It's us bragging on Him!

The other step to sharing and testifying is the act of meditating. Meditation is simply this - focused thinking on God, His Word and His promises. That's it. Making time to grab a section of scripture, a verse even, and ponder what it means to you. How does it impact your life? ow does it intersect with your daily living? How does it affect your relationship with your family, friends, etc.? Think about it, dwell on it, and then allow God to work it out in you.

If you've been memorizing a verse each week (Day 16), pick one verse today and focus on that passage. Break it down and see what God reveals to you.

As you pray, ask God to keep this fresh perspective of the verse in the forefront of you mind all day. Delight in His Word and see how that impacts your day!

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