Thursday, August 18, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 18

Does our worship make this kind of impact?

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 14:24-25

In this letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul is speaking about a worship service. Here he is addressing the gifts of prophecy and tongues, reminding the church that it’s not always about us in corporate worship. You could read the whole chapter and find some very helpful insight, but I like how he sums things up at the close of this section of scripture.

Instead of being so focused on gifts in corporate worship, we’re reminded that, even today, we have unbelievers who will attend a service. Go figure! Paul doesn’t tell the church to ignore them or ask them to leave. Instead he takes the early church in an unusual direction. He says to be aware of HOW you worship SO THAT those who don’t know Christ may come to know about Him by your example. In verse 25 he says, “So he will fall down and worship God, exclaiming ‘God is really among you!’”

That made me think – does our worship invite the unbeliever to connect with the Living, Holy God? Does our music, message, speaking and praying point others to Jesus? I believe it does, for the most part.

Isn’t it funny that we all know when we have an ‘off day’? We hit the green room and say, “Whew! Glad that’s done!” We know that we just didn’t get it right. We weren’t together, we were flat, we sang the wrong verse, etc.

But it has never failed yet – as soon as we have one of those days, someone in the congregation will approach me and say, “Wow! That was exactly what I needed today. The music was great…the message was directed right at me...” All the while I’m hearing this, my mind is asking the question – what service were you at, ‘cause the one I was in sucked!

I call this the God filter. And I believe God blesses us more than we will ever understand in this area. We don’t always get it the way we want to on stage. But here’s a difference maker for our team – heart and motivation.

Each of you takes what you do very seriously, and it shows. That’s why I believe our worship services do make the kind of impact, most of the time, that Paul is challenging the early church with.

Now, remember the little ego monster I referred to yesterday. Keep that little bugger in check. You know if any of us sees it in each other, it’s gonna get called out and squashed!

As you wrap today up, ask God to show you where you need to be more open and free in your private worship time. Allow God to pour into your heart a picture of unashamed worship, uninhabited worship.

Jesus draw me close, closer Lord to You. Let the world around me fade away. Jesus draw me close, closer Lord to You. For I desire to worship and obey. (Rick Founds, © Maranatha music 1990)

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