Monday, August 22, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 22

If you got it, share it…for His glory.

Scripture: 1 Peter 4:10-11

I like the Message translation here, especially at the beginning of verse 10, “Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it…"

Too many churches are about keeping what they’ve got for themselves. It’s what several writers have labeled a ‘country club’ mentality. Talk about an idea that doesn’t belong in God’s house!

If we ever get to the point where there's not a willingness to give away what we’ve learned, discovered or created out of God encounters, someone better call me on it. We have the joy and honor of being His servants for the good of the Kingdom, not just this church. We’re a tiny dust speck compared to the grand scheme of things.

But even a tiny dust speck can make a difference in their little piece of the world. And that’s what, I believe, we’re called to do right here in Pocatello.

We won’t have national or international impact like some churches do. Okay. I can live with that. In fact, I prefer it!

What we do here and how it impacts our community is what matters. Period. But it’s got to be for more than just FBC Poky. That’s why we still do the parade and the park; it’s why we still do Friend Zone and RecoveryFest. We, across the board in ministry, desire to GIVE IT AWAY, SO THAT someone might find Christ.

How do we give away what we have in worship? Beyond coming prepared with mind and spirit, what else can we do? Some of you serve in more than just the Praise Team. That’s exactly what we should be doing.

Let me challenge each of you to do a very dangerous exercise. Write down what you’re passionate about. For many of us it will be music. But there’s more there than just music. What gets you excited when it comes up in conversation? What gets you to dreaming about stuff? Write it down.

Now, do we have someplace where you could plug in and serve? Or is it something that needs to be fleshed out and developed as a new ministry?

And yes, I understand the risk this brings. Some of you may discover that your heart is shifting away from Praise Team and into something else.

Here me clearly – I will not stand in the way of God shaping your heart! You go and do what God calls you to do. I don’t get a vote in this area, sorry.

God always provides people, resources, etc. when He moves someone from one place to another. I’ve seen it happen a lot, and will see it happen in the future. That’s who He is!

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