Monday, September 8, 2008


Loved this past Sunday for a couple of reasons:
  • I love it when Bill gets fired up about his passion for the lost and what our job as the church really is. To use his words, "...what disturbs me is when the church won't change the way it does things. What worked for great, great, great, great, great grandpa won't work for us today. We need to do a heart check and see what it is that God is calling us, the church, to do in order to reach a lost and dying world."
  • Dude got PASSIONATE and EXCITED about Jesus and sharing Him with the community! That will get me fired up!
  • The band clicked and worshiped from a great place. Love it when Jon lets go and worships through his guitar.
  • The set seemed to connect both the message and communion. People seemed to be in a place where God could speak and perhaps even get a word in edge-wise! Some very humble, moving moments.
I have a passion to see God's people connect with Him in worship, using music, media, the spoken word, art - just about whatever. When that happens, there is a fire that burns so hot and bright that it is at times overwhelming! As the day wears on, it gets to be exhausting, but in a really good way.

Have you discovered that passion in your walk with God yet? Is there something that God has put on your heart that just gets your pulse racing? Have you found a way to connect that to serving God? Remember, Jesus came to serve, not to be served. If He is our model, we better get on with following His example! Whether you're at First Baptist, Pocatello, or in a church in Ashburn, Virginia, God expects that you will be SERVING in some capacity. What gets you 'disturbed' to the point of excitement, what gets you passionate? Find a way to plug into that NOW and see what God has for you. One things for sure - it will be filled with blessings! (Read Psalm 112)

See ya in church...

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