Thursday, April 9, 2009

Battle Cry!

One of my favorite movies is Mel Gibson's "We Were Soldiers". If you haven't seen it, find a copy and watch it. It really is a great story. As he is preparing his troops for their deployment to Vietnam, he gives an incredible speech - one filled with candor, conviction and sincerity.
There is a line that could be taken directly from 2 Corinthians 10:3 - "...we go into battle against a tough and determined enemy..."

I love how scripture paints a picture of war for us in this chapter. Though we live in the world, Paul reminds us, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world...they have divine power to demolish strongholds! WOW! The weapons we use can demolish strongholds - it can take them out completely!

It's interesting that Paul begins this chapter speaking about timidity and boldness in being Christ to the world, and then speaks about the power at our disposal to destroy strongholds. Hmmmmm....
  • Churches - are you being bold in being Christ to your community? Are you confident in the knowledge that God is our refuge, our strength and our rock? Do you believe it and does your life reflect that you believe it?
  • Individuals - same question!
You have to start with knowing what strongholds are keeping you from being who God intended you to be. Satan is, as Gibson's character stated, a "tough and determined enemy." Kind of goes without saying that he will use whatever he can to win - no mater the cost.
What does he use to deter you? Perhaps you are timid, afraid of the response of people. Perhaps you have an issue with material things and can't find a way to give so others may come to know Him. Perhaps you have an addiction that you don't feel God could ever forgive.

Listen, if you believe that He CAN destroy strongholds - start living like it! Don't rely on human ability and understanding to help you with your problem. We're only human! HE is divine! Trust Him to help you win the battle.

Knowing that you have at your disposal this incredible power, and we're fast approaching an awesome weekend, what do you need to do to tap into that power?

I would gladly stand with you. I would gladly fight beside you. Are you ready to see what kind of God we serve?

Hope to see you in church...

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