Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday Done...

WOW! What a day! I love being in that place where God uses me and I don't remember much, if anything, of what I said. Just a great reminder that, when we get out of His way, He will do wondrous things in and through us. Yes, He'll even use broken people like me to point people to Jesus - who knew?
  • Hey, 9 a.m. service, way to be awake and with it! It was fun to be on the floor and visit with you. We'll have to do that more often...
  • Don't know what all the buzz is about, but we have seen an incredible increase in the number of college students over the past couple of weeks. NOT COMPLAINING!
  • As a result, church, we need to be thinking about how to make these students fell welcome and help them not miss home so much. Sounds like some ministry opportunities for people who have the gift of hospitality!
  • In case you're wondering, we've been averaging over 350 people the past several weeks, and the numbers are creeping ever so slightly with each passing week (Sunday was 362). Could we be on the verge of REAL REVIVAL at FBC-Pocatello?
Are YOU on the verge of revival in your personal life? I challenged you yesterday to surrender your sin to God and turn away from it and to run hard after God. The exercise of writing that sin down on paper and then watching it dissolve in the water was/is a great picture of what God wants to do in your life.
  • He desires to make you clean and holy for His purposes.
  • He desires to forgive your sin and toss it as far as the east is from the west!
  • He desires to see you live the life He planned for you. That life is a life of hope and promise, not a life of hurt and depression and pain. See Jeremiah 29:11.
  • He desires to see you become His creation, that which He planned long before your birth. See Ephesians 2:10
  • He desires that you reflect His glory, His character in your day to day life.
  • And He desires to bless you!
Is God FIRST in your life? If not, what do you need to do to give Him that place? What sin do you need to repent (turn away) from? Deal with it today and watch what God does in your life. Trust me - you won't be disappointed in any way!

See ya in church...


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the sermon Sunday. And I did like it with you down on the floor. Makes it way more like we're just hanging out.

Anonymous said...

This was an amazing sermon for me! You and I may as well have been the only one's in the room because I felt you were directly talking to me! God has been wreaking me over the past couple of weeks and Sunday was the last straw. It was hard to admit what God was showing me but by stirring my sins away I now know what I have to do. Like you they will always be there but God has shown me that I need to deal with them differently than I have in the past. I know it will take time to heal relationships that I have damaged but God is in control! THANKS for allowing God to use you to speak to me!!!!!