Monday, February 20, 2012

He IS Worth The Risk

Had a great time Sunday teaching on Risky Living for God. It's not always an easy subject to talk about when you really break down what Jesus is calling us to do. He challenges our priorities on many different occasions. Even to the point of saying that even our family should not get in the way of serving Him. (Luke 9:57-62) 

But if we, Christians, really were willing to risk our lives and our beliefs for the Kingdom of God, I have to wonder if we'd still have all the problems we have today.

Christianity is under attack like never before in our country. And the really sad part about it is the church - the Christians - aren't doing much about it. In fact, there are many who say the most silent voice in our country now is the Christian. Why is that? Why are we allowing evil to win on so many fronts? Why aren't we willing to take the risk to be the voice? 
You've heard the famous line, "the best way for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing" (Karl paraphrase).

Well, welcome to the time of good men doing nothing.

But that's about to change around here. We've decided that, as a church, we're going to BE salt and light to a dark world. We're going to SHARE the gospel with those who need to hear it. We're going to STAND in the gap when justice needs to be done. We're going to SERVE those who need our help, be it the poor, the widow, the fatherless, the downtrodden - whomever may need it.

And no one's going to tell us we CAN'T do it. We're not going to back away from threats or persecution. (By the way, we have no clue what that looks like here in the states. Don't know the last time an American lost their life for the gospel on American soil...)

We know that He is worth the risk. We know that we DON'T go it alone when we stand for truth. We know that we go with the strength and power and grace of Christ - so we go without question.

I hope that each of you that read this will take a moment to reflect on your own walk with Christ. Are you willing to risk relationships for the sake of the gospel? Are you willing to risk the 'comfort' of your life if God called you away today? Are you willing to give EVERYTHING you have for the sake of the call of Christ?

He's worth it...

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