Monday, February 13, 2012

And We're Back...

Been a long, long time since I last wrote or read anything in the land of blogs! With the new changes here at FBC Pocatello, it's time to get back on track with my posts'.

It's been an amazing journey over the last two years of transition. God has been here doing some incredible work in my heart and life, as well as in the body itself. It certainly is a new day and a new year for ministry, for change, for growth and for the Kingdom growth. We've seen many new faces come and begin to connect with us...we've seen some old faces return and recognize the health and heart of the body in its new place...we've seen hurt and pain be replaced by healing and hope. God is moving...God is working...God is in control!

Since my last post, many things have transpired:
  • A new senior pastor, Mike Popovich. Great pastor, great leader, great man of God, great husband and father. He is God's man for us and it was God's timing that made this a perfect fit.
  • A new vision and direction that has focused us on the right things first - "FBC Pocatello exists to invite people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and help them become fully devoted followers of Him." Pretty straightforward and simple - and yet just what the church needs to be doing.
  • A renewed passion to serve the poor and least of these in our community. The Food Pantry team is growing and meeting some simple needs. In January alone they served close to 1200 people. Who knew we could do something like that? God did!
  • A heart to give and serve is growing in unique ways...we had a family donate a car to the church and on Christmas Eve gave it away to a single mom who's care (ironically) blew up two weeks after we received the car. AND, there may be another vehicle in the works very soon...
  • A need arose in our congregation for some work on a home. Started out to be a fairly major bath remodel which then turned into the roof needing to be completely torn off and replaced. So the body rose up...a dozen volunteers showed up on a Saturday at 9 and by 6 that evening the entire roof had been torn off, resurfaced with OSB board, papered and re-shingled. WOW!
I don't say this to 'show off' what we are doing. I don't say this to get 'points' for Kingdom admission.
I want people to know that God IS in control - even when we don't or can't see it. I have to admit that, before now, we really weren't allowing God to be God or to be in control. We all had our agendas, our ideas, our 'pet projects' that we wanted to protect. But we - rather I didn't stop to focus intently on what He wanted. And it cost cost us, the church...and it broke the heart of God. I'm glad to say that those days and attitudes are behind us now. As I mentioned there has been much healing around here and a renewed hope for the next steps.

We're back - not just to be here to be here. But we're back as a body to make an impact for the Kingdom of God in Pocatello. We're committed to being the church that gets after it for God's sake, not ours. We're committed to being the church that takes a risk for the Kingdom, no matter how the world may look at it. We're committed to taking the Gospel to the places it needs to be taken to, locally and abroad.
It's an exciting time for FBC Poky...and it's really good to be back!

See you in church...

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