Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Redux

So it got HOT in church today! Message was on anger and Pastor Bill brought it!

AND, we had some interesting and exciting physical expressions of worship going on. From clapping and even some 'light' dancing (whatever that is), to tears of joy and confession.

I know it may have seemed odd that there was a flash going off in worship, but we're trying to get some 'live' shots for our use in the future. Trust us!

Had a cool moment at the beginning where I got to welcome home one of our very own from Iraq - Ira Pray! Glad he's back safely with his family and with us. God kept him safe!

It was a powerful time of musical worship, as well as a powerful time of the word in worship:
  • Anger is NOT a sin. Says so in scripture.
  • We should be angry about some things - kids/women sold into slavery, poverty, etc.
  • We need to be able to forgive as Jesus forgave. Tough - but not impossible with Him!

This is the beginning of our series called 'Toxic Emotions' which will run into mid-March. Pray for me this next week as I get to preach on bitterness. I will be team teaching with Chris Boblit, our Student Ministries Director. It'll be his first time preaching, so pray for him too!

This is a touchy and tough subject for all of us. We like to hold a grudge. We like to talk about 'the situation' with other people, hoping they will see our side and join us in our view. Bitterness is a nasty little booger that we just want to wipe out of our lives. With God's help and a change of heart, we can do just about anything. So we'll see where God takes us as we prepare.

See you in church...

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