Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Arts and Worship

Does art, in its various forms, have a place in our worship services today? Should we 'allow' artists' to show their works of art as an 'expression of worship'? What kind of art should we allow? How can art help other people to worship the Creator and not the created work?

These questions have been and will always be buzzing around the church. And they will also be one of those points of contention that cause people to leave a church. (I won't share my thoughts on that on this post - I'll save that rant for another day.)

My question is this - why all the static? The gift of art, in all of it's various forms, is a GIFT from our Creator. And, these gifts are meant to be used to give honor and glory back to Him. Let's not forget that God, in His nature, is a giver. He gave so that we could give to others. Look at Ephesians 2:10, which is my life verse -

"For we are God's workmanship [masterpiece], created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

WE are a work of art. We were created to do something with the life that we have been given, and with the gifts that we have received. Did you catch that in the verse - created TO DO...prepared in advance TO DO!
  • If you have a gift, it's NOT FOR YOU! You are to share it, to give it away.
  • If you have a gift, it's NOT FOR A SHELF or TROPHY ROOM! You are to share it, to give it away. (Hide it under a bushel? NO!)
  • If you have a gift, and you're not sharing it, STOP BEING SELFISH!
Throughout scripture we read of art being used to honor and glorify God. From the building of the temple with artistic frames, to the pomegranate sculptor, to singing and dancing - all forms of art used for God's purpose in His house. Why would we not allow that in the 'house of God' today? (Sounds to me like some folks might be reading from a different Bible than I am. Just saying...)

Artists', hear me on this: share your gifts with your church as an act of worship. Study scripture to understand where and how art was used. Buy a copy of "The Heart of the Artist", by Rory Noland from Willow Creek Church. This is a great resource to help you understand, from a Biblical viewpoint, that your art is NOT a bad thing. It is in fact a gift, given to be shared for the glory of God.

Churches, do yourselves a favor - embrace art in all its various forms as an act of worship. Not everyone can sing - can I get an AMEN?! And not everyone can dance, paint, act, write, speak, etc. So we all have these different kinds of gifts that we use to honor God. Don't rob people of the opportunity to express themselves in the way that our Father has gifted them. Enjoy the many faces of art as worship - and see what God does as you open your hearts and doors to worship that truly will honor God!

See ya in church...

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