Wednesday, September 7, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 38

Praise as a weapon for God?

Scripture: Psalm 149

What an interesting psalm!

The verse that really caught my attention was verse 6. “The praise of God in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands…” (paraphrasing).


But go back a couple of days and recall Psalm 144. We’re in a battle! And if the enemy won’t surrender, then they must be defeated. There’s an aspect of worship that doesn’t get too many songs on the CCLI Top 25!

In fact, I could count on one hand the number of songs that speak about using praise as a weapon!

However, our posture each week from the place where we lead out should be just that. We need to be singing and playing with such conviction that the enemy would hit the doors of the worship center, hear and see what we’re doing and then do a 180 and hit the streets!

Is the passion for God burning so in our hearts when we lead out? As we come to the stage, are we arming ourselves for battle? Ephesians 6:10-18 is a great place to go to be reminded about how we need to be preparing for battle.

Today, take 10 minutes to study the passage in Ephesians. When you’re done, fill in the following blanks:

1. Belt of ________________ - keeps us from giving in to the world’s beliefs.

2. Breastplate of ___________________________ - about being honest, good, humble, fair; standing up for those who are weak.

3. Feet with the gospel of __________________ - being right with God and being contented in troubled times.

4. Shield of _____________________ - being sure that God will keep His promises. Protects you when tempted to doubt.

5. Helmet of _______________________ - believing that Jesus died for your sins and rose again.

6. Sword of ________________ - God’s Word, our offensive weapon. When we tell others of God’s Word the Holy Spirit guides us.

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