Tuesday, September 6, 2011

40 Days of Worship - Day 37

Bold and stout hearted…for Him

Scripture: Psalm 138:3

Does it take courage to get up in front of people and speak? Does it take courage to get up in front of people and sing?

There is a difference for a lot of people. As musicians, we’re comfortable behind the mic or behind an instrument. It’s how we’ve been skilled, how we’ve been shaped.

I think we’ve overlooked the fact that, because of Who we do this for, we have received the boldness that the psalmist talks about in this passage. You each, at one point, called out to God and asked Him to help you do this. You were asking for a bold and stout heart – so that you could make music for Him, to Him and about Him.

And He answered your prayer!

Don’t ever lose sight of the fact that, at one time, you were scared, weak and afraid to be used by God. You’re life was such a mess that you thought He could never use you, not for Him. Sad that Satan can convince so many people of that still today.

And now we have the honor of sharing that with people every week. I’m reminded daily that I’m a sinner saved by grace, not worthy of the call He placed on my life. But I strive to live that life out one day at a time, so that He can be glorified.

Savior, He can move the mountains, our God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save. Forever, author of salvation, our God is mighty to save He is mighty to save.
Shine your light and let the whole world sing, we’re singing, for the glory of the Risen King.
(© 2010 Starfield)

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