Monday, July 18, 2011

We're NOT Normal - YEAH!

I've been doing a lot of reading on churches over the last year or so, and there seems to be a trend among the dying churches. I know this isn't new and it's not rocket science to figure this out, but humor me on this...

Declining churches share similar issues - congregations are getting older, attendance and giving are down, and joy, passion and the like are mostly gone.

Let me paint you a picture of FBC currently:
  • Our congregation is getting younger each week. We have seen more young families with babies as well as newly married and college age folks coming AND RETURNING than we have in many months.
  • Attendance is climbing - even in the summer months! (We had some guests' with us Sunday that skewed the number, but when you take them out of the equation, we're still climbing.)
  • Giving has begun to rebound in the last month plus. It's NOT about the money... but it's still a statistic we watch.
  • Joy abounds in our services, especially in the second service! You see, those folks have had their coffee and donuts and are ready to burn some of those calories. First service folks have that same joy and passion - they just show it in a different way!
  • If you've heard our Praise Team lately, you've noticed lots of different things. New faces, new instruments, new arrangements. And it just keeps getting more and more exciting.
On top of all that, new ministries are starting to begin, new folks are jumping into serving, new discipleship options are coming, and new opportunities to serve our community are beginning to pop up.

A church alive is a church poised for GREAT things for a GREAT GOD!

Have YOU found a place to connect? Have you found a group to belong to yet? Are you spending time developing your relationship with God weekly? Are you hearing God call you to serve or lead somewhere in His church? If you are - YOU'RE NOT NORMAL!

The world will tell you that you don't have time for church. The world will ridicule you for investing you time, talent and treasure in church. The world will shun you for what you believe.

But God will be honored to have you! Jump on board with us and NOT BE NORMAL!!!!!!

See ya in church...

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