Wednesday, August 19, 2009


No one likes them. But we need them - priorities.
We did a brief study last night on the importance of us, as worship 'ministers', to have our own priorities in the proper order, so that we can glorify God with all we have and all we are.

If we call ourselves Christians, then this issue of putting the proper order of who goes where in our lives has to get more attention than it has in the past.

We say we love God - but our lives don't show it, our words don't reflect it, and our commitments don't support it.

We say we have faith in God - but when the chips are down, we don't ask Him for help, we don't trust Him with the unknown, and then we complain that we aren't hearing from God. Actions like this tell Him you don't really care for His opinion unless it's convenient for you.

We say our families are important - but when we don't agree we find reasons to leave them, we toss them out when they aren't doing what we want, and we even disown them because of something they did to us. So much for forgiveness.

I know, these are harsh words. But listen, we are called to relationships and we are called to reconcile when and wherever we have the opportunity. The ONLY way to do this is to have things in proper order in our lives:
1. Relationship with God is rock solid and THE MOST IMPORTANT one in our lives.
2. Relationship with our spouse is grounded in Christ and is the one we treasure most in this world.
3. Relationship with our family - WE DON'T ABANDON THEM! Especially in the tough times, we love, nurture and pray for and with them so we can experience all that God intends for us.

THEN, you start focusing on getting things right with your physical body, your job and your ministry. BUT, NONE of this will work right unless you put these others in place FIRST!

Trust me, I've tried all kinds of variations to this theme. NOT ONE OF THEM WORKED! The ONLY ONE that does is God, spouse, family - at least for me.

What are your thoughts?

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