Monday, June 8, 2009

God Never Quits

I am really getting a lot out of the dialogue that has been happening here and via email. I can honestly say that I am learning and growing in this process.

There is one area that I've been studying that I cannot find any Biblical basis for. This is NOT in any way directed at one person or group of people. This is an issue I've had with church folks since before I came on staff at FBC Pocatello. And, this idea has been around churches for many years, yet no one has ever been able to justify it to me - at least not from God's perspective.

People will tell me - and other church staff - that they feel it's time to 'take a break' and evaluate where they are and what they need to be doing. First of all, I understand the need to take a break from people. They wear us out, use us up, toss us aside and then tomorrow comes and it starts all over! We all get tired of people.

But when it comes to serving God, nowhere do I see that it's okay to take a break from Him. He never took a break from us, and He expects the same in return if we claim to be His.

Somehow we've forgotten that the church is a body that is here to support, encourage, hold accountable, console, pray for and with, celebrate and mourn with, and so much more. We aren't supposed to isolate ourselves when things don't work out. Isolation leads to more depression, anxiety and confusion. I think that's why scripture has over 50 verses related to 'one another' - serve, accept, forgive, greet, bear with, be devoted to, honor, teach, submit, encourage - just to name a few.

We are NOT always going to agree on stuff. That would be insane! But we have to learn how to work through issues when we don't agree. Searching scripture for truth, for direction and for wisdom, spending time in prayer - all should be done together.

To complicate the matter, our service to God CANNOT stop just because we can't get agree with someone or something. When we do that, we put God on a shelf and tell Him to wait for us to figure stuff out. Again, can't find a scriptural basis for this being okay. The only word I have found to describe this is disobedience. When we stop serving (doesn't matter what capacity), knowing that we are called to serve, we are choosing to disobey God, not man. In this case, man wins and God loses out. OUCH!

I'm asking folks to genuinely seek God when it's time to 'break'. Identify what the root of the matter really is, what the underlying cause is. Usually it's not the 'out front' issue that is the issue. Search your heart, seek God, study His Word and make time to talk through stuff.

I'd much rather see God win than man. Seems His way is much better!

Struggling right along side you...


Janaye said...

Wow! I think you just preached a whole Sunday sermon in your blog. Thank you for for helping to keep our perspective where it needs to be (with God not man). And if issues do need to be talked out between eachother hopefully we have the guts to do it instead of stewing about it and ultimately, like you said, punishing God by not doing what he's called us to do.

Anonymous said...

I would like to try shedding some light on this topic. First we need to define the Body of Christ that is made up of all believers. Second we need to define taking a break. To define taking a break we must realize that we are part of the Body of Christ and as heirs with Christ we can never stop being a part of the body. We only cause the body pain when we stop functioning as God designed us and placed us in the body.

Our bodies when hurt, rush blood to the injured part. When we know of injuries in the body of Christ we as a body need to follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit through the Bible and the still small voice of God.

When I hear that a member of the body says they need a break, this is an injury that needs attention. Medical attention needs to be applied.

Medical attention needs to first stop the injury from becoming worse through investigation as to the cause of the injury. We do this moving the victim away from the cause.

Again our bodies do this very quickly in a jerking motion. Then the whole body will move away from the injury.

Once the cause is addressed and further injuries are prevented then we can treat the injury and the healing process can start.

There are a lot of hurting people in this world that God wants to use us to heal. We need to be others focused and let the Holy Spirit work through us. We need to quit directing the Holy Spirit and let the Spirit direct us.

When we are hurt we need to find the truth by asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the Truth to us so we can learn and share this knowledge with the rest of the body.

I hope this might help someone. Praise God it helps a wounded Heart. Blessing Your Brother In Christ Jesus

George Lyle

Unknown said...

Very interesting conversations taking place here. I actually have a couple of questions.
1. By using the term “taking a break,” are you referring to a person who steps down from ministry for a specific reason? Some may include scheduling conflicts, not the right ministry for their SHAPE, dealing with family issues, over serving (serving in too many areas), the need to get back on track with God before serving again. Or, are you talking about people who, for whatever reason, get mad and quit serving in whatever capacity?
2. As leaders, is it part of our service to help these people get through their conflicts, re-focus, and get back into the Body? If so, are we, collectively as leaders at FBC, doing that? If not, maybe leadership needs training to be able to serve in that capacity.
George, I really like your analogy. It makes me think. I understand that we can’t help everyone who “takes a break,” since there are those who would rather just back out and remain angry. And, Karl, I am so glad that you are open to conversations like this taking place on your blog. It’s refreshing seeing conversations and communication taking place. And sometimes it’s easier to speak your mind in a forum like this, whether named or anonymously.