Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When Life Throws Curve Balls...

It has happened in the past, it has happened in the present and it will happen in the future - life will throw us curve balls. Unexpected events, problems and situations - even death - take us by surprise and literally floor us. So what are we supposed to do when it happens?
To quote a great movie, Extreme Days, when life throws you a curve ball - don't duck!

Monday, January 26th, the family of First Baptist lost one of our dear friends to a long bout with cancer. (For the record - I hate cancer with every ounce of my being.) ReNee Perry will always be a part of this family and she will be greatly missed. She was a part of our Worship Choir several times, and I always enjoyed watching her give her gift and her heart to God through her music. She was also one of those people I looked for in the congregation to see how she was expressing herself in worship. It was always a pleasure to find her and see the joy on her face, even during the fiercest parts of her battle. She loved God and it was evident.

We are going to mourn her loss, and we are going to be sad because she is no longer with us. We are going to wonder how Lance and the kids are going to get along and be sad for them. That's a normal human response.

But there is a danger here that I want to, in the deepest sense of love, caution us about. We can get so sad and discouraged that we miss an opportunity to see God in this and see where and how God wants to use us beyond this moment. We are in danger of ducking when we should be standing in the box, ready to take a swing. Even in death God can and should be glorified. Don't forget, ReNee is standing in the presence of an incredible God, the same God she worshiped with all of her heart, mind, soul and strength. If anything, we should be jealous! No pain, no fear, no worry - a new life and body! Seriously, who wouldn't want that?

Look for those moments when God taps you in your heart and says, "This is one of those opportunities that I have designed for you. If I have been anything in your life, share it now in the midst of the hard times. Your story can bring hope, comfort, peace, courage and more."

It's funny how God is already working and moving in people's lives. Not just here in the church family, but in School District #25 and beyond. God is amazing! God is moving! He is getting the attention of some folks like never before...He is gathering an ARMY of people who want to step up and serve Lance, the kids and the body of Christ...He is moving!

I will miss my friend ReNee. I will mourn, but not be lost in my sorrow. I will be sad, but not controlled by the emotion. I am a believer who is jealous of where my friend is and can't wait to see her. In the meantime, if I'm not busy doing my Father's work, not only will He be sad, but ReNee will come back and kick my butt!

We love you, ReNee. See you when we come home!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What A Day!

Getting ready to go teach 201, but wanted to share about an interesting and God inspired day.

It started out with my acoustic guitar player having a major migraine, and not being able to play. On top of that, my daughter - who is our drummer - got some kind of food poisoning and wasn't going to be here.

No problem. This is one of those moments where the team, no matter the size, still steps up and worships God, with or without the back beat! As I've mentioned on my blog these past several weeks, building a team is critical the 'success' of the ministry. When we all rehearse together on a regular basis, these little hiccups don't slow us down. It's all about giving glory to the King, no matter the size of the team!

And that's what happened. With only a little tweaking to our songs, we had an INCREDIBLE time of worship. I LOVE MY JOB!
  • What Can I Give Him? was a great moment of confession and the beginning of surrender.
  • I love it when we do hymns, 'cause they just touch us in ways that some of today's songs can't. We did I Surrender All, mostly without instruments, and it moved me. What a great song with an even greater challenge. Our vocalists' did a really nice job with the harmonies on that song. Way to go ladies!
  • Pastor Bill began the series, "Restructure", which is about our finances. Go figure that we'd start out with 'perceived' distractions!
  • Really enjoyed how both services 'closed out' our time together. Worshipful, upbeat, hopeful for tomorrow.
It never gets old spending time with the family of God worshiping and praising Him.

We'll see you in church...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Building A Worship Team - part 6

The key here is you're working with a team - a group of people committed (see part 2) to a common cause and one another. This team has a very important role - to lead the congregation in musical worship each week. The best way for that to happen is for your team to worship themselves. I know...DUH!
But it never ceases to amaze me how often this doesn't happen in many churches. There seems to be a problem with tempo or pitch, someone forgot what verse to sing, the drummer started out too fast and slowed down way too much - the list is endless. There is no reason this should happen if we spend time rehearsing together every week.

Here's something I shared on the video that I want to flesh out a little.

Practice - this is what you do ON YOUR OWN. You come to rehearsal to pick up the music that needs to be learned. You then go home and practice in the comfort of your own home, memorizing your parts and the entire piece of music.
Rehearsal - this is what the team does together. This is NOT practice. You have to come to rehearsal prepared, knowing your parts. Rehearsal is where we put all the pieces together to make the music we present in our Worship services.

When the team gets together, Lead Worshiper, your job is to put all the musical pieces in order. If people are having to spend time week after week on their part because they didn't practice on their own, hold them accountable to the commitment you had them sign before they came on board with the team. That's why you have commitments - so there are no surprises!

Here's a typical rehearsal for us -
1. We separate our vocals and instruments so we can fine tune each area.

2. We rehearse the stuff that has already been handed out, and we sing/play through them several times. We listen for parts we know, parts we might be able to adjust or change, times where we need different instruments and different voice parts, and work it some more. We may put a piece aside and work something else for a while and then come back so we can hone it.

3. We introduce new music, listening and playing it a few times to get the feel and point out key parts, voicing, etc.

4. We bring the whole team together, usually the team that is on Sunday and work through the set list. Again, we may work a song a few times until it feels right, says what we want it to say musically, etc. NOTE: We are NOT PRACTICING our individual parts. Each person already knows them. If they don't, we may have them sit that particular song out.

5. Our rehearsal times will often turn into worship times. This is one of the most important steps we can take as worship teams. We need to spend time worshiping with each other so that our corporate worship is a natural outpouring of ourselves.

There is nothing more distracting than to see a team of people not being a team leading people in worship of an incredible, loving, giving Savior. Why wouldn't we spend time working on giving Him the VERY BEST we have to offer in worship? Makes no sense to me - and I hope it hits you the same way.

Listen: we have an incredible opportunity to use the wonderful gift of music to introduce people to an amazing God. Let's not squander that for any reason. Let's commit to giving of our time, talent and our treasure to preparing our people to be the best worshipers they can be. That brings honor to God - and that makes it all worth it!

Go Team!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

About Sunday...

Sundays are never dull around here. There is a sense of God doing something right now, of doing something in the very near future, and of God doing something HUGE here in the Pocatello/Chubbuck Metroplex (as Pastor Bill calls it)! And I am TOTALLY STOKED to be a part of it!!!

* My younger brother, Kevin, spoke today and brought a great challenge - which I will get to at the end...

* There was a desire to worship today that was exciting, humbling and personal today. I think God was pleased with what you brought to Him from your hearts.

* I love my team! I love my team!...let me say it again...I love my team! You don't know most of the stuff that happens each Sunday, and what it takes to make it all come together. This team of volunteers is committed to making the worship place just that - a place where you can worship without distractions. They do this VERY WELL!

Which brings me back to Kevin's point from today. God can use you where you are, wherever you are, whenever He desires to - to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. Story after story of God using Kevin and his family in different situations to introduce someone to/about Christ. And get this - some stories have not ended and they very well may never know the end. Did the person accept Christ? Did the person get connected with other Christ followers to keep getting questions answered? They don't know...but God does. He used them where they were, when He chose to, in order that they might present the grace of Christ.

That's the challenge he left us with today. Will you look at where God has you, let Him use you there, and take a risk for God, giving your story and your life to others? The Kingdom of God grows one life at a time by us - regular every day people - sharing with one person at a time. I hope you will ask God to give you the willingness and courage to risk, to give and to go for Him. I'm right there with you. If you need someone to go with you, I'm already on board. You just tell me when and where and we'll go...let's take this valley for the Kingdom!

See ya in church...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Building a Worship Team Part 5 - Video Teaching

For the 5th part of our series on teams, I thought it important to share my heart. Sometimes, typed words don't convey what is in my heart, so I thought I'd risk being real and let you hear it.

I will be adding another installment next week. Here's the link - let me know what you think! Karl.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Reliving Sunday

Have I mentioned that I love my job?!?!
To me, it's not really a job. It is a ministry, that just happens to be a paying gig with some benefits. Cool!
But a JOB is something that many of us dread going to, many of us don't like and many of us spend a lot of time looking for something better.
Not me. I'm fine where I'm at. I like it here, so I think I'll stay a little while longer if that's okay with y'all!

Anyway, back to Sunday - have I mentioned how much I love my job?
  • There was sense that God was busy doing 'stuff' and it was very evident.
  • The heart of this body in worship - NOT JUST MUSIC WORSHIP - is exciting to me. It seems that many of us really desire to live better lives for Him. We know it's gonna take work, we know it's gonna 'cost us' something, and yet we strive to learn and then apply that learning in real life. We hear the word, the message, and then we go out and try to live it. What a concept!
  • What is really cool for me to watch are the people that hang out after a service is done. Week after week it's always a little different than the week before. Not always the same groups of people. There is a lot of 'networking' that takes place at a level I've not seen in many churches. LOVE IT!
And to top the day off, my Steelers took care of their business at home by beating the Chargers (sorry Boblit). Now it's on to one more game with the hated Ravens of Baltimore. If any of you follows football, you know that this is not a pretty game. Two teams that truly hate each other, fighting for the last spot for the Super Bowl. Should be good.

I want to close with how I stated our service last week and leave you with this challenge for this coming weekend. I told the congregation that I had trouble sleeping the night before. I kept waking up at odd times and tossing and turning. What kept me up? The Steelers football game! I know - how sick am I that a football game gets me all geeked up and awake at odd hours!
When I finally woke up for real Sunday morning, it hit me - do we get this geeked up, excited about coming to spend time with God? Do we loose sleep on Saturday because we just can't wait to meet God with His family on Sunday?

If we get so excited about stuff in life, what will it take for us to get so excited about God? What will it take for you to put God in that place? Think about it, and I'll see you on Sunday...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why Does God Get Seconds?

Okay. I have to take a moment and just vent!

We have an incredible God, right? We have a God who can supply ALL of our needs, right? We serve a God who WANTS to bless us beyond anything we could imagine, right?


I know this a blog 'geared' toward leading artists, but sometimes I just need to challenge our thinking as Christ followers.

God gave us the BEST He had to offer in His Son. It cost Him dearly! God didn't send down some second class being to be the sacrifice for us losers. God wanted to offer us the VERY BEST He had to give us. I can't even begin to imagine what He must have gone through watching the last days of Christ's life. He knew the outcome. But it had to be like watching a bad movie and not being able to turn away. Painful? We will never know the extent of pain He had to feel. And yet, God let His Son go through it because of His indescribable love for us. I don't know about you, but I know that I am not worthy of this kind of sacrifice.

And what does God want in return for His sacrifice? That we would simply follow Christ and obey Him. Scripture says if we love Him, we will obey Him. (John 14:23) It should be a natural response - or at least you'd think it would be. Instead what do we do?

We justify why we can't give Him our time, talent and treasure. We justify that God really wouldn't want us to give up so much for Him. We convince ourselves that we don't have to give like the Bible says because we would have to give up something else that we want - which means we won't get what we want. We have bought into the lie that we NEED all of these things to 'survive' in this life.

So, we give God the leftovers - sometimes literally. Tell me how that's right? Why do we allow our churches to function on 'just enough to get by' when it comes to the budget? Why do we allow our children and youth ministries to 'just make due with what you have'? Why do most of our churches look like crap, and our homes look like castles?

We give God our seconds. Period.

We don't trust Him enough to say, "God, here's my life and all I have. All you ask of me is a measly 10% of my income. All you ask of me is to find a place where I have a passion to serve You, then go and serve there. All you ask of me is to share with others the incredible grace You have shown me."

God didn't give you seconds, so stop giving Him yours.
If you haven't yet got to the point where you are tithing (10% of your income) then start this weekend. Trust that God, the One you claim as your personal Lord and Savior, will DO WHAT HE SAYS HE'LL DO!
If you aren't serving in some way in your church, then start this weekend looking for someplace where you can plug in. Ask your pastor/leaders in your church what's out there. Be prepared to tell them what you have a passion for, then find someplace to share that passion. Serve Him with the very best you have!
Lastly, who are you inviting to hear YOUR story? Who are you telling it to? Who are you inviting to come to church with you to hear about Jesus? We are to share the Good News, not hide it!

Here's a scary thought: if all the people in our churches would tithe regularly, the church could effectively impact - even eliminate - most of our social problems.

So let's get after it. Let's give God our very best - not our sloppy seconds!

Thanks for letting me vent...hopefully I'll see you in church.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Worship for Whom?

We spend all this time during the weeks leading up to each Sunday, preparing song/set lists' for what we hope will be an opportunity for meaningful worship. But who is it for? Why do we spend all this time and energy in prayer and study? Sounds like it would be an easy question to answer, doesn't it? Well...

In the ministry of music, it never is. And that is a sad state of the church today.

I grew up in a very 'traditional' style Southern Baptist and occasionally American Baptist setting. It seems that all I ever did in those settings was what the established, founding members wanted. "We like hymns and choirs, and we like special music that puts other people on pedestals, all, of course, for the glory of God." Really?

I don't ever remember hearing a music minister/pastor/director say, "Today, we're going to sing songs that would make God smile, not us!"
In fact, very few churches TODAY still are not willing to say that, let alone think it.

Since I have been here, my main goal was to present music to the King that would put a smile on His face. And, at times, it has put on frown on some of our own people. For that, I am not sorry.

It's not about what you like or what makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. That is NOT worship. Our musical worship has to come from a deep place in our hearts, a place that only you/I and God know. A place that helps connect Him to the change He has made in your/my life.

When the team and I take our place each Sunday, our prayer for the body is very simple: "We invite those who are gathering here today to join us as we worship and praise You, Your Holy name. Open the hearts of those that are hurting, broken, stubborn, angry, sad - take them to the place where we hope to meet You today. It's all for YOU, Father. Use us to glorify Your Name, and Your Name alone!"

That's what we do and who we do it for. How about you? When you come, what are you bringing to give to Him? What are you willing to let go of to let God into your worship time, both here and in your private time? What are you willing to surrender to let Him really have the best of your heart in worship?

I'm going to step WAY OUT on a limb here and challenge you. If you're not willing to surrender your 'preference' of music (style or otherwise) for the chance that God could use whatever music is being given as worship, don't come to church. Seriously. Don't take up space if you're not willing to trust that God can use ANY kind of music, media, speaker, etc. to praise and honor Him.

HOWEVER, if you're willing to step out and trust an INCREDIBLE GOD, and let Him speak to your heart - come and bring someone with you! He NEVER lets me down when we, as a family, worship from that deep, personal place. NEVER! I don't think He'll let you down either. But that first step is up to you.

So...take that step and see what God can do.

See ya in church!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to Sunday

It was good to be back with the family Sunday. We had a great time of worship and heard clearly what needs to be happening in our lives. It's time to get busy!

* For not being together for practice, the praise team did great (except for that goofy keyboard guy).

* Loved the time of praise with How Great Thou Art. That is such a great hymn with a great story, and when we worship with it, my heart soars.

* Had some feedback from a visiting pastor and his family. One of the first things they noticed was the not one but two greetings they received before and as soon as they got into the building. Way to go Greeters Team! You make the difference!

* Pastor Bill reminded us that we ALL have a responsibility to take up a position of serving in the church. We don't just get to come sit and watch. We are to be servants, much like Jesus was. See Mark10:45.

So the question for all of us this week is simple - are we taking up our corner of the mat to serve? Or are we going to sit back and let others do it? There is a train of thought in our church, much like many other churches in the country, that there are enough people serving. The church really doesn't need your help. You know what, you would be right if we didn't want to see more people come to know Christ. You would be right if we didn't want to make an impact in our community for the Kingdom of God.

However, since we have been called to be the light in the darkness, I guess you have to get up off your holy haunches and get in the game. Here's the harsh reality to you NOT serving - disobedience. God has called each of us to serve in some capacity. When we don't we're saying NO to God. How does that work in your family when a child tells you NO? Hmmmmmmm......

There are dozens of ways to serve. All you need to do is ask one of our leaders and they can point you in the right direction. Find a staff member, a ministry leader, another volunteer - find SOMEONE and ask them what the options are!

Trust me - when you do, you'll feel like God is smiling on you when you use your gifts and abilities for His work. It's an amazing feeling!

Looking forward to serving with you...