Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where Will You Lead From?

We've all had those days where we wonder if we are leading from the right place, let alone leading at all!

It seems things don't 'fit' like they should. We speak - but no one seems to be listening. We go - but no one seems to be following. We do - but it feels like we're doing it alone.

It hit me this week as I returned home to my parents place for the first time since my dad passed away in January of this year - if I'm leading how God has called me to lead, and I'm following His Word for my direction, then all of that stuff I just spewed shouldn't matter!

As a leader, we simply need to lead with integrity, passion, conviction, purpose and A WHOLE LOT OF JESUS! I watched my dad lead this way. He was an expert at removing the 'emotion' of the situation, focusing on the actual need, proposing possible solutions and then moving folks to come to an agreement. In ALL of it, He was constantly listening for God, seeking wisdom from His Word and surrounding himself with people of integrity, character and wisdom. THAT'S where he led from.

There's a bit of chaos in my life right now and my nature is to get after it, fix it, put it in order and move on. But, I've been listening to my dad in my heart. I've begun to understand more of the life he lived and modeled for us boys, and later for our families. It was leading from a place of reflection, gathering, processing and then action. He never really 'reacted'. He was always prepared for whatever came, because he spent so much time with God getting to know Him and live for Him. THAT is the place I want to lead from. THAT is the heart I desire to have.

I want to make my dad proud - no surprise there. But I want to honor my Father in Heaven more.

Where do you lead from?

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