Saturday, July 31, 2010

Praying For Our Church Leaders

When was the last time you prayed for your pastor, worship leader, childrens pastor, student pastor, leadership team member...?

Are you 'at odds' with a member of your leadership in your church? "How can I pray for them when...They've hurt me so I can't pray for them because..." How often have you even thought that, let alone DID it?

Let's be honest - there are times when we just don't feel like praying for our church leaders. And the only reason is because WE can't get over something. They don't know how we feel unless we tell them...they don't know they've 'wronged us' unless we say something...they can't read minds!

If you/we harbor bitterness, strife, anxiety, frustration in our hearts and DON'T confess it to God, our prayers are like Port-a-Johns - they're full of it!

I don't think God will hear prayers when our hearts are bitter. Until we give it to Him and then go to the person, we are 'full of it' and our prayers are like dung!

So, have you prayed today? Have you confessed and repented where need be?

Hey, if my life's gonna be a mess I at least should challenge others to join me on the journey, right?

Praying WITH you for our churches and leaders!

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