Monday, April 12, 2010

Don't Hold Back!

I know this is a weird time of transition for us here at FBC, Pocatello. Our senior pastor of 14 years has been called to another church. We are in the midst of beginning the search for the next senior pastor. We are also in the process of obtaining an interim pastor to assist with teaching and some transition pieces. It's all kind of weird and uncomfortable.

BUT - that doesn't change the fact that this is still God's church and He's put you here for a very specific purpose. Now is not the time to 'hole up' somewhere and wait it out. If anything, you need to step it up and step into what God has for you!

I've shared this before but need to remind EVERYONE that we don't have to worry about tomorrow or beyond. Matt. 6:33, "Do NOT worry about has enough trouble of it's own." Worrying and not doing is being idle, being stubborn and being scared. NONE of the traits of a follower of and doer for Christ.

I want to challenge all of you - don't hold back in your service, commitment, devotion and giving to God. Not now. Not ever! And don't 'not invite' people to church because we're 'in flux' with a senior pastor. That's just stupid - and a convenient excuse. Remember the words of both Bill and Patty (Duckworth) in many of the churches that have gone through transitions: some people were called to full-time ministry, people gave their lives to Christ, new ministries erupted...and the list goes on.

This is NOT man's church - never has been, never will be.
This is GOD's church and His people will ALWAYS have a job, a ministry to do.

So what's holding you back? What fear is keeping you from stepping up and being involved, from stepping out and inviting someone to come with you?

If you are already one of those who has stepped up, let me say THANK YOU! Because of many of you, there are new things under way, which you'll hear about this Sunday. Because of many of you, there are plans in the works for new things in and outside the church to share the gospel to a lost world.

GOD IS GOOD, and all the rest really are the details...see ya in church.

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