Monday, December 15, 2008

The Invitation

For a snowy and cold day we had a good turnout for services. In fact, as I looked at the same weekend last year, we were running the same. Makes me wonder what would have happened if we didn't have the snow...
  • Really missed being here last week, cause when you get your worship hearts reminds me that this is the place God has called me to.
  • LOVE celebrating volunteers! This Sunday I got to thank my teams for what they do (all 97 of them) and got to thank our Administration teams as well. As I said yesterday, it doesn't just happen by itself. It takes 30 of our Creative Arts volunteers EACH SERVICE to make Sunday happen. Can't wait til next week when we get to celebrate some more folks!
  • One other group that has made a HUGE impact in the life of God's people is our Connection Group leaders and hosts'. We now have 22 groups - and GROWING!
  • 11 o'clock service - you guys RAISED THE ROOF with the worship music! THANK YOU for taking me with you. Thank you for opening yourself up to let God see how much you love Him and want to praise Him.
  • 9 0'clock service - you catch a break just because it was COLD at that hour. AND the heater in the Worship Center stopped working overnight. When I arrived after 7 a.m. it was a balmy 50 degrees in there! Our instruments did NOT like it, that's for sure.
I promise that we will have the heater fixed and ready to go by this next weekend. Even if I have to light a fire in the middle of the room to heat it up, we will be ready for you to bring the people that you want to bring to church. DON'T LET ANYTHING GET IN THE WAY OF INVITING SOMEONE TO CHURCH! EVER!

I look forward to seeing what God is going to do in this season of Christmas here at FBC. It's never the same - but He is! And that's what really matters!

See ya in church...

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