Thursday, June 10, 2010

Leaders Make Tough Calls

Finished up Ezra, and it doesn't end on a happy note. The people were disobedient and lived - out in the open - in sin. Ezra saw this, was distraught over it and received some tough but accurate counsel on what to do.

The book ends with families, to not too fine a point on it, being separated. They had intermarried, against God's direction, from other tribes of the land they occupied. They went DIRECTLY against God. I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound like the smart thing to do!

As a result, the men were instructed to "Separate yourselves from the people's around you and from your foreign wives." (10:11) WOW! That's a really tough decision. In short, God told these men to leave their families - all because of SIN! Is that fair? Is this the kind of God we serve?

It's not a question of fair - it's a matter of justice. God is a JUST God. God is a JEALOUS God. God is truly a LOVING God. All He desires is the VERY BEST for His people. When your kids are disobedient, you deal with them, right? You don't look the other way and wait for things to blow over. You deal with it and mete out the consequences.

That was what Ezra did for the people that God called him to lead. And it TORE HIM UP! (Read chapter 9) He could have found a way to 'justify' their actions. He could have pleaded with God to 'look the other way' or have pity on the people. He could have just ignored it and walked away.

When God calls a leader, He calls us to step into the hard choices. He calls us to lead through the hard choices. He calls us to lead like He would lead. Which means we have to make the tough calls. Will there be hurt feelings? Yes. Will people leave the church because of our choices? Probably. Will everyone like it? No. And that can't be a deciding factor in the call.

What is that tough call you need to make but are afraid to? What is the real fear that is holding you back? Is it clear from God what you are to do? If so, why haven't you done it?

Find someone (s) in your life that you can receive wise, Biblical counsel from. Listen to them. Don't listen for the answer YOU want. Listen for God's direction, wisdom and understanding. Then, in full confidence of God, make the call. Won't always be easy, but ALWAYS worth honoring and glorifying God.