Sunday, October 2, 2011

Praying for a Miracle...

We have been experiencing high numbers of late in our FBC Food Pantry. We are averaging serving over 500 people each month, getting over 600 at least once in the last 4 months. This is a great ministry that has truly touched lives and made life bearable for many that take part.
Our main source of food is from the Idaho Food Bank, who rely purely on donations from the community, businesses and food drives. They too have been hit hard and are running short on supply.

As of this writing, we will have to close our Food Pantry this week due to the lack of food. What little we did get on Sunday will supply us for less than 1 hour on Tuesday, our longest open day (til 7 pm).

SO, I'm praying for a miracle and invite you to pray with me.

I am asking God to provide us with $5000 so that we can continue to serve our community at least through the end of the year, possibly into 2012. In addition, this will allow us to better serve the poor, the orphan and the widow - the main groups who use our food pantry - into the Thanksgiving holiday season.

Our hope is and has always been to move folks from consumers of the program to self-sufficient individuals. This will be the next step in growing this ministry. Plans and programs are being evaluated and studied as I write this.

But in the meantime, we're in a bind. With the oncoming fall/winter season in Idaho, the job situation not improving as we'd hoped and growing families in our valley, it WILL take a miracle to continue.

Please pray with me for God to provide the funds that HE desires us to have - hopefully around $5K!

I will post updates here as we see God move and direct us...

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