Tuesday, November 16, 2010

WHAT Do You Believe?

If someone were to ask you, "What do you believe?", could you answer it?

Would your answer point to Jesus and His power in your life?

Would your LIFE back up your words?

John 14:23 simply says, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to Him and make our home with Him."

So think about that for just a minute:
1. If we truly love God, we will do what He says, what His Word says, what the Holy Spirit prompts us to do. That means we'll be influenced by Him in all our decisions, in all of our choices and it will show in our actions. Hmmmmm.....

2. If we truly love God, then HE makes His home in us. If that is true, then our lives are a direct reflection of His power, His passion, His mission, His purpose and His love, grace, mercy, conviction - ALL of who God is. Hmmmmm......

So, church, do our lives reflect any of this? Or do we look just like the world, and at times worse than the world?

Pastor, does your life reflect this? Or do you look the part on Sunday and on group night, but the rest of the week you just blend in with the crowd?

Fathers, does the way you shepherd and lead your home reflect the kind of father figure God is to us? Or are you lost in the cultures idea of what parenting, leading in the home should be?

What about you? If someone were to ask you what you believe, would your life be able to back it up - without words?

IF we believe in God and believe He IS who He says He is, then our lives HAVE TO be a direct reflection of that belief. Anything less is nothing short of hypocrisy.

On my face before an amazing God!

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