Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Preach It!

Romans 15 talks about the calling to preach the gospel where Christ is not known (v. 20). I love the way that Paul presents it here simply because he is working so hard to bring the gospel to anyone who hasn't heard it.


He doesn't go and look for people like him to share the gospel with the lost...

He doesn't go to 'safe places' to share the gospel with the lost...

He doesn't go TO CHURCH to share the gospel with the lost...

He doesn't wait to go through a 'class' on the 4 spiritual laws, the Roman road, etc. in order to share the gospel with the lost...

Those that don't know Christ are not just in some distant, far away land. They aren't just in another part of the state or the country.

The lost are right next door to you and me. The lost are in our own families in some cases. The lost work right beside you in the office. The lost are right beside you in the classroom. In other words...the lost are RIGHT HERE! And you and I need to be sharing the gospel with them wherever they are!

You don't need any special training to share YOUR story with someone:
  • You need to be convinced of your relationship with Christ.
  • You need to have an understanding of the Word of God that impacted your life.
  • You need to have the courage to share that story with anyone who needs to hear it.
Notice what I didn't say. You don't have to be 'well read' or use big words; you don't have to know the Word inside out, forwards and backwards; you don't have to wait for someone to send you out. You simply have to be WILLING to SHARE your encounter with the Living Christ.

In other words, don't be afraid to PREACH IT wherever it needs to be shared. Let God sort out those who will hear and those who won't. You can't save them anyway. All you can do is LEAD them to an encounter with a God who loves them.

The question is are you willing to do this one, simple thing? PREACH IT!

Have a great and happy Thanksgiving!

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