Trust is a must! Whether you knew it or not, there was a lot of trusting going on throughout the whole service yesterday.
Mark (Nelson) led worship for us with a new vocal team combination that hadn't worshiped together before Sunday. Leading in that type of setting is always a risk, but he stepped out and led for us. And did a good job. At the same time, the vocal team was following someone other than me, so that was a risk for them as well.
The instruments, Jon (guitar) and Kia (drums), had to take some of the leading roles in the absence of Aaron, who is on vacation. They had to trust each other to lead and to follow as Mark led out in ways that were different from Aaron. Again, a good job.
When I say 'good job', I mean it in the sense that we didn't have distractions that took our attention away from God. Our role in worship ministry is to try to point people to Jesus through music, scripture, prayer, the spoken word (sermon), art and other sacraments. If we do something poorly, that causes a distraction and moves the focus, the attention from God to people. Bad move on our part. This is one of the key reasons we spend time rehearsing each Tuesday so that we may bring our best gifts and offerings of worship to Him. We must take our place on Sunday's as His worshipers and His servants. If our hearts are focused on giving Him the best we have and working on honing our skill each week, then our efforts will be seen in what is offered to Him on Sunday. If we do our part, it makes it easier for you to do yours.
When you come on Sunday, let me ask you to trust God as you worship Him. Ask Him to allow you to be free to worship from your heart. Remove the fear of what people will think, remove the anxiety that comes with trying something new and trust God. You don't have to clap or stand, unless you want to. You don't have to raise your hands or kneel, unless you want to. Trust that God will put the desire in your heart to worship expressively in your own way. Trust is a must, why not start with trusting Him?
See ya in church,
Another trust shown was yours (Karl's) to trust Mark, Jon, Kia, the vocalists, and Laura (keyboards) to function well and draw our body into worship without distraction. This is trusting leadership and a key to a body's continual maturity in worship. Thanks for your trust!
Yea and in mark n's comment he said "Trusting" talking about people trusting other people and it made me think about this.
why dont we trust others? is it because thay cant be trusted? or thay wont do right.or thats not how i would do it therfor its wrong.two words..CONTROL FREAK!
if you ask God to make you more like him and God gets out his chisel and starts cuting away, but it hurts so bad you tell him thers got to be another way...control chisel, control chisel,untrustful(if thats a word)additude is something we got to get rid of if we wont to become one.
sorry for the wild tanget is mark n's falt;-)
serving with you
learning to trust
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