Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Words of Worship

Every once in a while I'll get an article or story or something across my desk that just makes me stop and say, "Wow! That nailed it..."
Here's one of those items. It's from William Barclay and his writing on The Revelation of John (Vol. 1)

"The humblest and the most unseen activity in the world can be the true worship of God. Work and worship literally become one. Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever; and man carries out that function when he does what God sent him into the world to do. Work well done rises like a hymn of praise to God. This means that the doctor on his rounds, the scientist in his laboratory, the teacher in the classroom, the musician at their music, the artist at the canvas, the shop assistant at the counter, the typist at their desk, the housewife in her kitchen - all who are doing the work of the world as it should be done are joining in a great act of worship."

Colossians 3:23 - "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."

May our lives reflect the God we serve and live for daily!

See ya in church...

Monday, September 17, 2012

No reason...just fun!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Finding and Recruiting Nuggets

Anyone who leads a worship team, art team or other ministry team in a church setting is almost always on the lookout for new folks to plug into ministry.
The old thinking was announce it from the pulpit...put it in the bulletin...put it on the screen...and the list goes on. Churches tend to get caught up in the same way of doing things and don't always welcome change. This includes plugging people in and helping them find their place of service. As we all know, change, in many churches, is still a sin!

And here's the really sad part about church announcements. They've actually done multiple studies that prove this. It takes, on average, 4-6 weeks for people in church to CONNECT with an idea, a plea, a recruitment in a printed format and/or projected format. 4-6 WEEKS! By then you are well past your need and feeling frustrated, bummed, and even angry. Sadly, I've seen ministry leaders over the years develop an attitude - and not a nice one - toward their own congregation because no one responded to the 'need' that was put forth. Wow - that really honors God.

My belief has been this - the ONLY way to truly recruit the right people is one on one, NOT bulk announcements. Especially when it comes to artists of all types.

Get to know your church, your people. Find out what interests folks have - not necessarily the job they have, but what they have an interest in - and then find a way to connect them to a ministry that they can have a passion to be involved in, a place to call 'home' in the ministry of the church.

If you are a paid leader, like I am, sometimes people shut you out because it's our job to recruit. That's okay. Nothing you can do about it - except send your team members after them! Seriously, the best recruiters for ministry positions are the people who are VOLUNTEERING already in the trenches. They can answer the questions in their sleep, and they can talk about the leaders style, expectation, quirks, goofiness, etc. better than any key leader can. I know. I watch my teams do it all the time!

So stop using old methods to recruit a new generation of servants. Be personal. Be inviting. Be intentional. You'll be amazed at the results!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

View From The Stage...

We have a BIG problem that I would love to see us correct!

For some of you, it may not be that big of a deal. But for ANYONE trying to check out or connect to FBC Poky, we're missing the mark, BIG TIME!

We need to ramp up our game of greeting, meeting and knowing new folks. And I don't just mean at the welcoming time - which I may just stop doing - but I mean from start to finish. We too quickly jump into our circles and ignore - literally - anyone we don't know. We think someone else will catch them, connect with them. We assume that's the greeters job. Wrong assumption.

Our service is about God, for God and to God. But when He brings people in, we are expected to welcome them and do our very best to serve them. That could be as simple as offering a bulletin to them or getting to know them, making them feel welcome, special or important. We too often get concerned with connecting to the people we haven't seen all week, all at the expense of someone that God may have sent to meet a need.

So here's what I'm challenging you to do, starting this Sunday. Wherever you sit, look for people who you don't know. Before the service starts, take 2 minutes to introduce yourself and get to know a little about them. THEN, after the service, follow up with them again. Invite them to grab a cup of coffee and/or a treat in the back of the Worship Center.
In short, be intentional about connecting and making them feel special.

By the way, that first 2 minutes you have with them BEFORE the service - that will really dictate their actions IN worship. 'Do I feel welcome in this place? Is this a safe place to express myself? Is this a safe place to not be expressive?' You'd be surprised at the impact your contact has on people.

And I get to see it, both the good and the bad every week. It's quite the vantage point.

Step up your game this Sunday...make a connection and make a difference!

See ya in church...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Heart Matters

I recently had a team member text me on a Saturday nite to tell me that they wouldn't be able to play the following Sunday. Stuff in their life was a little chaotic and their heart would certainly be divided and not in a 'worshipful' place. I acknowledged the situation and thanked this person for taking this step early and before trying to 'force' something that would not bring worship or honor to God.

It's an understanding that we have as a team. If there is an issue that is going to get in the way of complete and total worship to and for God, then we need to reevaluate whether we should be on stage. If need be, we sit it out. That goes for any one of us that's on. And I can tell you that in the few times that we've had to adjust, the worship has been amazing. I truly believe that God honors this kind of attention to the heart.

Please understand me - I'm not boasting or bragging, unless I'm bragging on God! 

I just personally know that God honors an undivided heart - in worship, in life, in leadership, in service, in following, in parenting - ALL of life. As a leader, it's our job to keep that as our top priority in the arena of worship and to instill that into our teams.

So how's your heart today? Is there something that's dividing your attention, your worship, your devotion to God? Are you being pulled in so many directions you don't know which way to go?

Let me encourage you to find a place TODAY, alone, and spend time in prayer with the Master Day-planner. Give Him your schedule, family, finances, job or need for a job, home, resources - all of it and ask Him for direction and guidance with all of it. How does He want you to live your life? How does He want you to spend your time? Where does He want you to serve? What can He do with your specific situation that you're struggling with? Be open and honest before Him and watch Him bless your life. 

Trust's an amazing ride that I plan to continue enjoying until the day I go home!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What Songs Are Missing?

I am in the process of getting ready to create some new music for the church and was hit with this very stark reality - there are a lot of songs about certain topics missing from our music today.
And I'm not just talking about worship songs. Look in any hymnal and see how many songs there aren't on certain topics. For example, we know that prayer is vital in our relationship with God. And yet, there really aren't that many songs referring to prayer - what it is, how to pray, when to pray, etc.

So I have posed the above question to my worship team and now am posing it to you.

What songs do YOU need? What topic of our Christian walk is not really 'covered' in our worship songs? Besides prayer, what other areas would you like to hear and sing about in order to make worship more personal to you?

Share your ideas, thoughts, etc. here so I can put together a team to help write the songs that the church truly needs to worship with today...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Aiding the Church in Asia - good or bad?

I've been getting some interesting feedback about my helping the church in Asia with learning more about worship - what it is, why it's so important for the church to understand it, how to develop personal skills to better present it and more in the context of that culture. I find it curious, frustrating, encouraging all at the same time.
This group I am working with , who shall remain nameless and non-specific about location, has had some exposure to different musical styles from not only the western world, but their own environment and culture as well. What they are asking is for ways to improve their skill, their passion/drive toward worship. What they are NOT asking for is our music. Period. They have their own music...they have their style...they have their target congregation and understand what they want to worship to. Have I mentioned we're NOT giving them OUR music?

And yet, the debate has begun about whether we should or should not help churches in other countries with regards to worship music. Does us working in another country somehow 'poorly' influence the worship in other places? Can we do more harm than good? Understand me on this - I prefer to encourage any culture to use their indigenous music, instruments, structure, etc. to enhance their own worship experience. I would never impose MY style, MY likes, MY preferences on another culture. To me that's just stupid and selfish.

What is it that God is instructing me/us to share? What is it that THEY specifically are asking for? What can we do to assist THAT request?

And so I have begun the journey of translating some training/teaching tools into another language, looking for other resources to assist them in music skills such as chord charts, keyboard charts, instructions on skill, etc. 
Countless hours have been spent in conversation with the leaders ON THE GROUND, trying to fully understand the what, why and how of this request. I've been very aggressive in asking key questions, posing different scenarios, asking questions in different ways to make sure there is clarity and understanding. This is not something any of my team or the team in country is taking lightly. I believe we fully understand the impact this can have - from both the good and the bad. 

I am curious what some of those who follow this blog think about this endeavor...I won't share my philosophy on this just yet, as I'd really like to hear your take on this kind of ministry. 

Share your thoughts here...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Putting It All Together

I have a lot of conversation with people, almost every week, about what it takes to create a worship service. 
And I'm never surprised that almost everyone - a very large majority - has no clue as to what it takes.
Gone are the days when churches can 'throw' together a song set for church, sometimes on Sunday morning. I've always struggled with that approach. If it's supposed to be creative, if it's supposed to help us connect with God through worship music, if it's supposed to move us to a place where we can hear from God - then how does throwing it together leave room for the Spirit to lead, guide and direct us who have been called to this task?
The answer is short and simple - it doesn't. 
Here's what I've observed about this way of doing worship:
1. The singers are so focused on still learning the music that they don't have the opportunity to freely worship.
2. The instruments are so focused on timing, transitions, fills, modulation, solos - they can't worship. 
In short, everyone that's working on the music is WORKING on the music, not worshiping. 
I had a guitar player years ago who really brought this to light for me. I was introducing new songs each week and trying to bring them the  following Sunday, hoping to keep music fresh. (That's a blog for another day.) I expected that, because he was so good, he would be able to pick it up right away and go with it. 
After a few months of this he finally told me, "Karl, I love that we're trying to introduce new music. But I'm having a hard time worshiping with my guitar because I'm still learning it." DUH!
What we have to realize, leaders, is that the guitar for him IS his worship voice. The keyboard for the keyboardist, the drums for the drummer, the bass for the bassist, the sax for the saxophonist - those instruments are the VOICE of the instrumentalist.
So if we're asking them to just throw together music that is supposed to lead people in worship, when they aren't doing so themselves, it's just practice, not worship.

So all of this to say that we take the time to work on music together well ahead of each weeks service. Sometimes new music doesn't come for weeks, simply because we aren't ready to worship with it together.

It takes time to get the chords, progressions, transitions, key changes, etc. to flow and connect seamlessly. And that's just the instruments. Vocals have to get the lyrics and the meaning, the melody line, add the harmony, intonation, expressions, etc. to communicate it to the body in such a way that they can join in.

Our culture actually lowers their expectations for worship (music). They have come to expect that we don't give it the attention it deserves, and for them that seems to be okay. 
Well not for me or the team.
We take what GOD has called us to very seriously. We understand that we have a responsibility to lead worship first for ourselves, and then for the congregation. We listen for God to lead us in the midst of the service and try to follow as He leads. We come prepared for whatever may be asked of us for the King.

So it takes time, energy, effort and commitment to do it. I believe that God honors that far above just winging it week in and week out. We'll take the time to invest in not only the people that God brings, but more importantly the ministry He calls us to.

We don't always get everything right each week. That's how we learn. And why we keep coming back week after week to try and present worship that honors the King!

See ya in church...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

We Just Don't Get It...

Week in and week out we gather.
Families pile into some places people walk when it's good weather...other places we pile the gang onto the bus or subway so we can get there...
And never once have I heard any government official tell us that it was illegal for us to meet, to get together and 'do church', worship, study scripture, pray. Not once that I've heard of on US soil. 

We've even been referred to as a 'Christian nation', with the majority of Americans claiming to believe in God. 

But I have to tell you - we sure don't act like it's as big of a deal as the numbers say. We've got an almost lethargic, complacent attitude toward our religious freedom, to some extent simply taking it for granted.
It seems that we have lost our passion, our 'first love' of the gospel and its truths, and have traded it for what?

As I've had the genuine privilege to go overseas to other countries and see how they respond to the gospel, I'm sad to say that I'm embarrassed. Me, as one who has complete and free access to anything I need or want for my faith to grow, understand, share - I'm embarrassed. I too, like most of us in the states, have become comfortable with my faith and the freedoms I enjoy here. I'm not as passionate...not as vocal when I need to be...not as sharing when I should be. And I can't tell you why, except that it's just too easy.

When I look at how other countries respond, especially the one I just came back from in March, I am broken and humbled.
There is a passionate pursuit of a Holy God that I used to have...there is a genuine desire to know and understand and memorize God's Word that I used to have...there is a drive and determination to share what God has done in their life with others, so much that it takes precedence over success, prestige, and position - kind of like I used to have.

I am learning a lot about not only myself, but about my approach to the gospel and how/what we communicate each week from the stage. But beyond that, I am looking at my daily live and the encounters I have.
What do my words and my actions say about my commitment and devotion to God? What do my words and actions say about what I BELIEVE about God? Am I passionate for the lost? Am I passionate about my walk with God? Am I passionate about leading my family in God's ways? Is that visible? 

I've learned, from my experience overseas with other Christians, that we just don't get it here like they do there. And that has to change. 

My prayer for us, here at FBC Poky, is that we will regain some of that passion, some of that drive and desire. Our lives, our priorities, our purpose will take on new meaning - like it did when we first came to know Christ as Lord in our lives. 

Join my as I pray for the Church in America to get it once again; to be all that God has intended for her to be and to be a light for a lost, dying world.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Lately this is not something I've had at my disposal. Not like I have had in the past. 
It seems that I am in a season of clarifying, seeking, and waiting - for what I'm not really sure.

But I'm reminded that we - all of us - need to take some time in our daily routines to be still, to know that He is God and He is in control. And to remember that His plan, His will for our lives is SO MUCH BETTER than anything we could ever dream up.

The 'other' Psalm passage that mentions this is Psalm 37:7, "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes."

From the beginning I have issue with this verse - wait patiently? UGH! Anyone who knows me understands that I like to see things happen, to see things get done, most of the time NOW. But rushing can be one of the worst things for creativity. Especially when writing songs, messages, scripts, etc.

If we're truly working to serve God; if we're truly living to serve God with our gifts, talents and abilities - then we'll learn the art of being still AND patient before Him. Out of those moments where we simply wait, that's when the creative juices really get flowing. When we try to rush it, when we try to make something out of nothing, that's when crap flows out of the pen onto the paper. Just because God created the earth in 6 days and then rested doesn't mean I get to create a piece in the same amount of time. We shouldn't expect that of any of the artists we work with (painting, sculpture, drama, reading, music, dance, etc.)

I'm hoping that this will remind us all to take some time to be still and wait on Him. Even if that means getting away out of town to get that time, then we need to do it. The end result will be a closer walk with the Creator who gives us the creativity we need to communicate His truth.

Searching for that special thing with you...

Monday, April 2, 2012

REAL Transformers

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:18

As I read this passage this morning I couldn't get away from that passing phrase - 'are being transformed into his likeness...'

If I am truly following Christ and seeking to model my life after Him, then there should be evidence of my transformation into Christ-likeness. My thoughts, actions, words, decisions, choices - all should reflect that I am looking to live my life in honor of The King of Kings. 

Where am I falling short? Where is my life a reflection more of what I want instead of what Christ deserves? What am I putting ahead of Christ as an idol? The reality is that if something else is driving me, motivating me, or influencing me, then THAT has become my focus of worship, my idol. That also may be what I'm transforming into. YIKES!

Like many of us, I struggle daily with making sure that my choices, my actions, my words all reflect my pursuit of Christ and His will for my life. This world has NOTHING for me so that shouldn't be getting my attention.

Live today as if He were telling you where to go, what choices to make, what direction to take. Allow His thoughts to become yours, thus transforming your mind into His likeness. Then the world will know that you are His and He is in you.

Working on my transformation right alongside you...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Real Men of Courage

Finish this statement - it takes a real man to_______________________________.

Run into a burning building? Jump out of a perfectly good plane? Step in the middle of a fight to break it up? Stop a robbery or assault? To fight for someone who can't defend themselves?

How about it takes a real man to lead his family in the way that God intended. In our culture it does take a real man to make a stand for how he leads his family. It takes a real man to take the lead in his home and give direction, protection, peace and love to his family. It's what our wives need and what they deserve at the least. And our kids, no matter how often they tell us otherwise by words or actions, need it as well. Too many men have surrendered their responsibilities as fathers and husbands because of a myriad of excuses: work, finances, pressure to be something someone expects, family pressures, etc.
Men, it's time to stop making excuses and take a stand for what we have been called to be and to do. It's time for God's men to stand up and take their families back  and lead them spiritually. 

But hear me on this - if you aren't doing this in your home now, you're going to have to 'earn' that right back from your wife and then your kids. You do this by putting your relationship with God into the proper perspective - First Place. That's what God demands and expects of us and our walk with Him.

I preached a couple of weeks ago and this came up as a reminder for all of us. The priority list for our lives will require some serious overhauling. Here's how that list should look:

1. God
2. Family
3. Church
4. The rest of the world (including job, status, wealth, etc.)

I've had to go through this 'transformation' of my priorities. It's not easy by any stretch of the imagination. But it is possible. I'm not saying I've totally arrived, because I haven't. However, the rewards for taking the steps are literally priceless.
If you haven't already seen it, take a look a movie called Courageous. It came out last year and is a good reminder and starting point for all of us men to step up and back into our proper place.

I've been blessed to have a group of guys that I meet with start a study on this and it has been great - and we're just into the first week (plus). It never hurts us to stop life for a moment and reflect back on where we are, where we've been and where our direction is taking us. This study is helping do that for me and for some of the guys.

What do real men do? What do real men look like today? How about we start reshaping the picture of that by becoming men of God; men of courage; men of integrity; men who love their wives and kids!

Joining the fight with you...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

When Artists Fall...

Let's face it. Nobodies perfect - even artists'! I know...I was just as surprised as the next guy!

And when we're not perfect people notice. It's even more noticeable for those of us who lead from the platform each week. So what do we do when artists fall, when sin creeps in? How should they be treated when they're not completely walking in the way of Christ?

Two words - with love. Just because they're out front doesn't mean they/we are any better than the guy sitting in the third row from the back on the left that's going through a nasty relationship battle. We're all in this journey together, and we're all going to have these moments where our 'halo' has slipped - again.

So we love them back to the right place by being there for them when they need listening to them and giving them good, spiritual pointing them back to God's Word for the hope and restoration they need...and yes, there may be a time of sitting out until they are in a better place spiritually. That's accountability and that's Biblical. 

I had one of my younger team members call me recently to say that maybe he should sit for a spell. He recognized some behaviors in his life that we're of God and decided that it was more important for him to get right with God before he served up front. WOW! If only half of our adults could figure this out...

Understand that we, as a team, talk about this a lot. If you're not right, before I have to say something to you or ask you to sit, search your heart and make certain you can lead like Jesus. It's an expectation that we have of each other on the team. And this has served our church well in the past, and will continue in the future. Our worship is better because of the awareness and commitment to self-select when things are not going well.
Does it impact the sound or flow of the worship on Sunday? Yes...but the Spirit fills in the gaps in ways that I simply cannot put into words.

So when we fall - artists - we don't allow Satan to keep us down and tell us we're worthless because of sin. We stand up under the power and grace of our Savior, press on to that which He has called us, and through repentance and forgiveness get back in the game. Don't EVER let him tell you that you don't matter or that you let someone down. As I preached on this past Sunday, YOU ARE VALUED AND LOVED BY GOD!

I get knocked down, but I get up again, ain't nobody gonna keep me down!!! (Name that song,,,)

See ya in church...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Leading Artists...

I actually got to lead some artists last night at rehearsal! Reminds me how much I love doing it and how I've missed it over the past months. Now that Pastor Mike is on board I can truly focus on developing and growing artists who love to honor God with their skills, abilities and talents.

Leading involves listening to what they have to say and the questions they ask. Just because we say something doesn't mean that it gets heard the same way we said it.

Artists by themselves are a different bunch. Creative thoughts flow regularly through our minds...concepts connect at the most inopportune pop up in the weirdest and strangest places. We're much like Doug, the dog from the movie "Up!". We are easily - Squirrel! - distracted...

But what I've discovered from most artists in church ministry is this - they want the freedom to express and share, but they want to do it in a way that points people to the Truth of the Gospel, not to themselves. They desire direction that will help the bigger picture be seen, not just what they're doing.

That's such a welcome twist from the culture around us - notice me, notice my stuff, look how pretty...Squirrel! (sorry) We're taught to do stuff that gets us noticed, to make noise so our voice gets heard above the crowd.

The Bible teaches that we are to be content in everything. We're not supposed to be drawing attention (pun intended) to our abilities or skills, but instead using those things to point people to the One who gave them to us.

As I lead our team of artists here, my prayer is this:
  • May we never forget the One who gave us the ability, skill and passion for our art (all forms).
  • As we offer our art as an act of worship, may we always point people to Him as our source.
  • As we take our place on the stage/platform each week, may we do so in humility and in honor of the King.
Have fun leading - whether out front or behind the scenes. Do it all for the glory of God.

See ya in church...

Monday, February 20, 2012

He IS Worth The Risk

Had a great time Sunday teaching on Risky Living for God. It's not always an easy subject to talk about when you really break down what Jesus is calling us to do. He challenges our priorities on many different occasions. Even to the point of saying that even our family should not get in the way of serving Him. (Luke 9:57-62) 

But if we, Christians, really were willing to risk our lives and our beliefs for the Kingdom of God, I have to wonder if we'd still have all the problems we have today.

Christianity is under attack like never before in our country. And the really sad part about it is the church - the Christians - aren't doing much about it. In fact, there are many who say the most silent voice in our country now is the Christian. Why is that? Why are we allowing evil to win on so many fronts? Why aren't we willing to take the risk to be the voice? 
You've heard the famous line, "the best way for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing" (Karl paraphrase).

Well, welcome to the time of good men doing nothing.

But that's about to change around here. We've decided that, as a church, we're going to BE salt and light to a dark world. We're going to SHARE the gospel with those who need to hear it. We're going to STAND in the gap when justice needs to be done. We're going to SERVE those who need our help, be it the poor, the widow, the fatherless, the downtrodden - whomever may need it.

And no one's going to tell us we CAN'T do it. We're not going to back away from threats or persecution. (By the way, we have no clue what that looks like here in the states. Don't know the last time an American lost their life for the gospel on American soil...)

We know that He is worth the risk. We know that we DON'T go it alone when we stand for truth. We know that we go with the strength and power and grace of Christ - so we go without question.

I hope that each of you that read this will take a moment to reflect on your own walk with Christ. Are you willing to risk relationships for the sake of the gospel? Are you willing to risk the 'comfort' of your life if God called you away today? Are you willing to give EVERYTHING you have for the sake of the call of Christ?

He's worth it...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

New Times = New Sound

As I mentioned in an earlier post, we are in a new and exciting time here at FBC Pocatello!

That also dictates a new look, sound and feel to how we do music and other creative art thingies...

But what doesn't change is the heart of who we are and what we do as musicians.
  • The focus is and will always be to bring glory to God through our songs.
  • The goal will be to invite and include the people gathering weekly to worship with us. (I know that we will never get 100% of our people to sing along, clap or do whatever form of worship works for them. But that is NOT our goal. That is unrealistic to expect that kind of buy-in from any church.)
  • The heart of the team members each week will be on display, like it or not. It's my job to make sure that hearts and minds are focused on Him before we take the stage.
  • We will present the best we have in worship music each week, no matter how many or how few musicians we have. 
  • All of our artists' - from painters to sculptors to drama - will be prepared to bring their skill and ability to glorify the King.
Read through the book of Psalm(s) and see how diverse the worship music was. From no music to cymbals, drums, stringed instruments and many voices (choirs) - different sounds to convey different moods or tones; different sounds to communicate with different groups. All for the glory of God.

Worship Leaders, musicians, artists - don't try so hard to be the newest or hottest sound or art out there. Do what God speaks into your heart. Listen to the heart of the church and try to meet that need for art. Whether it's music, artistic renderings, drama, dance - whatever - do it all for the glory of God. And do it in such a way that it connects to WHO your church is NOW, not who you want to be tomorrow. That will come in time.
Focus on NOW.
Focus on connecting to today's body.
Build that foundation and then see what God brings to help you 'expand' your horizons.
Trust'll blow you away!

See ya in church...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

In Case You Haven't Heard...

I have the cutest grandson in the universe!
Oh, and he knows it, too.
This picture was a few months back and he was starting to figure out the camera thing was pretty cool to look at and play with.

Daniel is amazing. He's as perfect as a baby can be...he's got parents who love him more than he will ever know...he's got grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, great grandparents, etc. who will do anything for him and love him with an unending love. And he hasn't got a clue - at least not yet - how deep and how vast this love is for him.

It makes me wonder about our relationship with God. As the years go on, how 'comfortable' do we become with His love and care for us? How often is that taken for granted? Are we coming to God each day with this same awe, this same curiosity and desire to know Him as little Daniel does to everyday life? Or is it simply becoming routine?

How great is the love that the Father has for us? How deep and wide and far His love reaches. Beyond the depths...beyond the highest peaks...beyond the farthest star, His love is there. On my darkest days, during my most difficult days this love is what carries me to the next step I need to take. It's not always easy - but it's ALWAYS there.

Just like Daniel will never be able to lose the love I have for him, my Father will never stop loving me. What an amazing gift!

I pray you'll have an encounter with the One who loves you more than you will ever know, and that it will impact you in such a way that you can't help but share it with everyone you meet!

See ya in church...

Monday, February 13, 2012

And We're Back...

Been a long, long time since I last wrote or read anything in the land of blogs! With the new changes here at FBC Pocatello, it's time to get back on track with my posts'.

It's been an amazing journey over the last two years of transition. God has been here doing some incredible work in my heart and life, as well as in the body itself. It certainly is a new day and a new year for ministry, for change, for growth and for the Kingdom growth. We've seen many new faces come and begin to connect with us...we've seen some old faces return and recognize the health and heart of the body in its new place...we've seen hurt and pain be replaced by healing and hope. God is moving...God is working...God is in control!

Since my last post, many things have transpired:
  • A new senior pastor, Mike Popovich. Great pastor, great leader, great man of God, great husband and father. He is God's man for us and it was God's timing that made this a perfect fit.
  • A new vision and direction that has focused us on the right things first - "FBC Pocatello exists to invite people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and help them become fully devoted followers of Him." Pretty straightforward and simple - and yet just what the church needs to be doing.
  • A renewed passion to serve the poor and least of these in our community. The Food Pantry team is growing and meeting some simple needs. In January alone they served close to 1200 people. Who knew we could do something like that? God did!
  • A heart to give and serve is growing in unique ways...we had a family donate a car to the church and on Christmas Eve gave it away to a single mom who's care (ironically) blew up two weeks after we received the car. AND, there may be another vehicle in the works very soon...
  • A need arose in our congregation for some work on a home. Started out to be a fairly major bath remodel which then turned into the roof needing to be completely torn off and replaced. So the body rose up...a dozen volunteers showed up on a Saturday at 9 and by 6 that evening the entire roof had been torn off, resurfaced with OSB board, papered and re-shingled. WOW!
I don't say this to 'show off' what we are doing. I don't say this to get 'points' for Kingdom admission.
I want people to know that God IS in control - even when we don't or can't see it. I have to admit that, before now, we really weren't allowing God to be God or to be in control. We all had our agendas, our ideas, our 'pet projects' that we wanted to protect. But we - rather I didn't stop to focus intently on what He wanted. And it cost cost us, the church...and it broke the heart of God. I'm glad to say that those days and attitudes are behind us now. As I mentioned there has been much healing around here and a renewed hope for the next steps.

We're back - not just to be here to be here. But we're back as a body to make an impact for the Kingdom of God in Pocatello. We're committed to being the church that gets after it for God's sake, not ours. We're committed to being the church that takes a risk for the Kingdom, no matter how the world may look at it. We're committed to taking the Gospel to the places it needs to be taken to, locally and abroad.
It's an exciting time for FBC Poky...and it's really good to be back!

See you in church...