{Okay, if it's just me then someone better have me committed NOW!}
My wife will tell you that when I worked at a retail giant - I won't mention their name, but they were always 'on target' - I would really have a distracted mind. So much so that I would dream out loud about sales events, merchandise sets and employee situations. According to her, unless she responded to what I was saying, I would just keep on merchandising, or checking in freight, or whatever I was dreaming about. (I'm really fun to live with sometimes!) I never really cleared my mind when I got home, and it carried over to my life of worship just as bad. I was never really focused - and I was in ministry! (What a sinner.)
Clutter, distraction, noise and more constantly rule our brains in the world and in the church.
We just let so much of life consume our every thought that we never really give ourselves a chance to see God, to hear God or experience God. We miss out on ALL He has for us when we allow this to happen. And as someone in full-time ministry, that's just not acceptable. In fact, the un-churched of our community/culture have a word for that - hypocrite. And they're right. I say one thing - even preach one thing - and do another. I don't really practice what I preach.
In fact, none of us who claim to be Christ followers really does. We don't take regular time to get away and be alone with God. We don't take regular time to 'clear the mechanism' so that He can speak into our lives. And then we have the nerve to say things like "I just don't think I'm hearing anything from God" or "I don't see any fruit in my life" - to which I have to say - DUH!
To use Anne Graham's words from last week - WAKE UP! You have NOT because you aren't doing your part, pinhead!
You get the most out of what you invest the most in. I don't invest in enough 'SHHHH time' nearly as much as I want to - at least not yet. But I'm committed to working on it because I'm committed to being a radical Christ follower. I know it will cost me. I'm willing to let some things in my life go so that He and I can become closer than we've ever been. I want this because I love God and I need this because I want to please God.
What about you? What are you willing to surrender in order to have some SHHHHH time with the Father? (Many of you have younger kids and that takes a ton of time. I get that.) But do this before you say you can't find the time:
- There are 168 hours in a week. Take one day and write down where EACH hour goes that you can account for.
- Then note how much time is spent 'relaxing' in front of the TV or the computer or how much time is spent 'reading tabloid magazines' or whatever else robs your time.
- Now, note how much time you spend with God.
See ya Sunday in worship...
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