Here's what that looks like:
Statements go from "We believe God said..." to "In my opinion we should..."
Faith goes from "We believe in a Big God!" to "I don't believe we can do this at all..."
Prayer goes from "We are a praying church..." to "Maybe we should make time to pray..."
Financial issues go from "If God is for it, it will be provided..." to "Where else can we cut to save?"
We live in a world where faith is fantasy to many. It takes courage to have the faith that the disciples had, to have the faith that our forefathers in scripture had. It means that we can NEVER forget Jesus in our journey.
I know times are tough financially, relationally, physically - you name it, times are tough!
- Have you forgotten how BIG and TOUGH your God is?
- Have you forgotten how LOVING and GRACIOUS your God is?
- Have you forgotten that HE is STILL IN CONTROL?
Why are we afraid of financial struggles? Why are we afraid to make the right decisions? Because we rely too much on MANS opinion than God's!
Pray for HIS church...pray for HIS people to wake up and REMEMBER JESUS!
May GOD and HIS VOICE win out.