We had an incredible day of God moving, stirring, calling, shaping, loving and so much more there just isn't room to share it all. So here's the highlights from my perspective.
- Our time of preparation with the worship team and our speaker was moving, to say the least. God prepared our hearts so we could be in a place of leading and following in the service.
- The congregation, especially in second service, responded to what GOD was doing and how He was shaping us to worship Him.
- I had the privilege of sharing a real life 'loaves and fishes' moment from our own church. God showed up in HUGE ways last week - His way of reminding us that if we focus on the right things of God, He'll provide the way for us to be a blessing and be blessed! For more on this read the previous post about empty shelves still giving.
- Paul (Austin) absolutely brought it today. Speaking about evangelism and why we've messed it up for so long in the churches and how we can do it more effectively today...he nailed it. He'll continue part 2 next Sunday so make plans to be there!
- We have many people now stepping up and accepting the call that God is putting on their lives, whether to lead or follow. We have some amazing people who are stepping into new territory and they are EXCITED!
- God CONTINUES to provide the resources we need to keep moving forward. Not just financially, but with people, physical things, their time - all being offered to God to make a difference in the Portneuf Valley and beyond.
We have, as I said above, one more week with Paul on Evangelism. Then comes Mothers Day, and I am really getting fired up over that one.
But I am really excited, fired up, giddy - pick a word - about the Vision series that will start May 16th. We'll run for 3 weeks as we get ready to gear up for Friend Zone and then the 4th of July parade reach out event.
FBC, hear me clearly - GOD IS MOVING! GOD IS AT WORK! GOD IS IN CONTROL! He is doing abundantly more than we could EVER have imagined, especially in a transition like the one we're in. If you haven't heard, get back to your group and get caught up. Then jump on board for an amazing ride that only He can take us on.
LOVE FBC and what God is doing...see ya in church.